Nordic Networks for Interdisciplinary Study and Research
Nordic Summer University Nordic Summer University
Nordic Networks for Interdisciplinary Study and Research
Newsletter 2024/1
Plans for Spring

Since the holiday season passed, activity has been ongoing in NSU. Several study circles have had or will have their winter sessions during the up-coming weeks (see below), and plans are ongoing for the summer session in Denmark.

Our Nordplus team has just sent off the application for 2025 that is aiming at funding our winter symposia in 2025 and support a part of the summer session in 2025. Fingers crossed! Furthermore, a lot of work has been done to assure that new groups join NSU. For this summer there will be two new PhD schools present as guest circles during the NSU Summer Session, with the aim of joining NSU as regular study circles from 2025.

It is also possible for anyone to apply to host a study circle. Deadline to send in a proposal for a new study circle is April 30 and July 30.

You find the CfP here!
News from the board!

The new board is working from January 2024. As voted by the General Assembly last summer the new board consists of the following members:

Karolina Enquist Källgren (chair), Stéphanie Barillé, Nicole des Bouvrie, Alina Kalachova, Georgios Diapoulis, Oddbjørn Jensen

And deputies: Johan Söderberg, Darya Manzhura, Talya Deibel, Una Þorláksdóttir, Emilia Plitcha, Noah Mihatsch

The board will work according to the practice established in previous years, where board-members as well as deputies take on different tasks. Most important for this year is that there will be a group working with the economy. Together they will deal with tasks related to budget, planning and communication with the coordinators. They can be reached through a new function address:

Treasurer: Stéphanie Barillé

Accountant: Nicole des Bouvrie

Assisting accountant: Emilia Plitcha

Assisting treasurer and communication with coordinators: Noah Mihatsch

Noah is also the new contact person for coordinators. Existing and prospective coordinators can contact him with any questions or queries at!

Alina Kalachova will continue taking care of our social media. Please update her with things that are going on, pictures or other kinds of information you would like to put in our social media accounts: Or add and like NSU on social media!

The board can be reached by using the email address:

Nordic Summer University Winter Symposia 2024

NSU is hosting a series of fantastic symposia throughout the winter and spring of 2024 in various Nordic and Baltic countries. You can find the themes, the locations and the dates for these symposia below. Click the links to learn more and participate!

Three year circles:

Circle 1 Place of Heritage in Interdisciplinarity will hold its winter session “Heritage and Sustainability” in Göteborg (Sweden) between March 21 and 23, 2024.

Circle 2 Cybioses – life in the future imperfect will hold its winter session “Information Crisis and the Open Future” in the Music Innovation Studies Centre (MISC) at the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre, Vilnius (Lithuania) in collaboration with Ideas Block/Kompresorine. The symposium will take place between March 6 and 9, 2024.

Circle 3 Praxis of Social Imaginaries: Cosmologies, Othering and Liminality will hold its winter session “Reading Ibn Khaldun” in Oulu (Finland) between March 13 and 17, 2024.

Circle 4 An/Other\not-I/(m)\Other in Feminist Philosophy will hold its winter session “Touching the World” in collaboration with the Luce Irigaray Circle and the University of Iceland between June 6 and 9, 2024. And there is an ongoing online reading/responding to Luce Irigaray project online from January - May 2024, where it is still possible to join. 

Circle 7 The experiential in artistic practice and research: methods, knowledges and reflective processes will hold its winter session “Transformative & Emancipatory Processes in Artistic Research” at University of the Arts in Helsinki (Finland) between February 22 and 25, 2024.

One year circles:

Circle A The Creation of a Free Scientists’ Movement will hold its winter session “Amo, Ergo Cogito” in in Göteborg (Sweden) between April 5 and 7, 2024.

Circle B City / Energy Relations in Transformation will hold its winter session at the Laboratory of Critical Urbanism, European Humanities University in Vilnius (Lithuania), between February 28 and March 1, 2024.

Circle D Education for sustainable living will hold its winter session at the University of Southern Denmark (SDU) in Odense (Denmark) in cooperation with the SCC Elite Centre for Understanding Human Relationships with the Environment (CUHRE). The symposium took place between February 16 and 18, 2024.

Circle E Feminist intersectional pedagogies will hold its winter session “Reimagining and rebuilding education” in Helsinki (Finland) between March 20 and 22, 2024.

Circle G Sustainability, Ethics, and the Environment hold its winter session in Umeå (Sweden) between January 10 and 12, 2024.

