Missing Out

Artistic Research | Performing Heterotopia study circle
invites contributions on the theme of
Experiments in collective writing & editing
Deadline 14 June
We invite contributions to a collectively-produced publication exploring missing out as a form of participation.
What did not happen because something else happened? What stayed on the edges of experience? What is unnamed, misnamed, misseen and misremembered, misexperienced?
Missing the moment, the meaning, the event
Missing each other, failing to catch up, not coinciding, missing simultaneity, misconnecting
Leaving, not showing up, not being there, being elsewhere, being both here and somewhere else, keeping in mind the other places that are not here
Not paying attention, looking away, staring out of the window, losing the train of thought
Standing outside, not entering
Showing up late
Words not written while writing something else
Sentences not spoken while speaking of other things
Directions not followed while on the way elsewhere
What is not said, unsaid, withheld, withdrawn?
What happens when we’re mishearing, misreading, misinterpreting, misspeaking, misusing, misplacing, mistaking?
How do we write, not about, but around, nearby, while, in the mode of missing out?
Contributions are welcome to consider questions around ideas and questions such as
- The collective side of missing out. If everyone misses out, was there ever something to miss? Or does it mean that everybody participated? What happens when we are missing out on/from/with the collective?
- Missing out as event, anti-event, non-event. How can we approach the experience of not experiencing, the experience of failing to experience or misexperiencing?
- Withdrawal from presence; withdrawal from participation; strategies of withdrawal as an affirmative gesture; missing out as a protest and resistance; poetics of refusal.
- What is the time of missing out? When does it occur? A decision always already made or never quite reached
- Missing out in language and its gaps; syntax of missing out. Failing to remember a word; misremembering; false translations; failing to understand; improvising. Non-existent words, phenomena that have no definitions in language. Perpetually using the wrong words; misspeaking and misusing language.
- Memory; failing to remember or being excluded from remembrance. Missing out a historical event; history as missing out; exclusion from history; minor histories; unwritten and miswritten histories.
We aim to produce a collaborative image-text publication, collectively written, created and edited, using response as method. After the initial submissions, participants will work together to respond to each other’s contributions and develop the material into a book.
We invite contributions in any visual, textual or hybrid form that can exist on a printed page. As a starting point, participants should submit a fragment no more than a page in total on the theme of the open call. This is neither a proposal nor a finished piece but a point of departure for a response, conversation and collaboration.
Submission: participants submit initial contribution and these will be collected in a google drive and made available to all participants
Generation of material: participants will work collectively and individually using the submission as a starting point to generate and add content
Editing: participants will work collectively to edit the material to form a publication
The process will be facilitated by the editors Alia Zapparova, Elina Saloranta, Mia Ćuk and Renata Gaspar.
Participants should be prepared to work collaboratively and attend regular meetings (after the initial meeting, dates will be agreed based on availability).
14 June: deadline for submission
28 June: notification of acceptance
8 July 18h CEST: first meeting
September – October: 3-4 meetings and workshops focusing on generating material
November – December: meetings and workshops focusing on editing
January – February: production and publication
To apply
Please submit the following via the online form
– a fragment to serve as a starting point, no longer than a page in total
– a brief bio in 3 sentences
– a brief statement of interest in collaboration, up to 200 words
– a confirmation of commitment to participating in the meetings
Nordic Summer University Summer session
This open call takes place within the framework of the Nordic Summer University Artistic Research | Performing Heterotopia study circle. The Artistic Research | Performing Heterotopia circle usually meets in August during the Nordic Summer University summer session. This year the summer session will once again be online and will take place in autumn, with events spread over the month of October. We will have an event open to everyone during that time (details will be announced in September), as well as workshops for those contributing to the publication.