Family Room for 2 adults and 1 child: Summer Session 2024 Participation fee

Family Room for 2 adults and 1 child: Summer Session 2024 Participation fee


Important: Read product description below.

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  • NSU membership [if you attended a NSU event in 2024, you have already paid the 25 euros membership. You must request a discount code from the coordinator of your study circle BEFORE you register and pay – no refunds will be given for those who do not request the discount code]
  • All meals on site
  • Accommodation – family room for 2 adults and 1 child aged 4-12 (July 29 – August 5,  2024, Løgumkloster Højskole, Denmark).

Upon check-out, you will be asked to provide information regarding:

  • Your circle participation (which is your main circle this year?)
  • Arrival time
  • Your meal preferences:  meat, pescatarian, vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free, other (please specify)
  • Participant you would like to share the room with – if applicable
  • Any other relevant information that organisers should be made aware of

Please make sure to add this info for the organisers.

Please read our privacy policy.

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