CfP Summer Sessions 2022
Call for Papers and Participants for the Summer Sessions 2022
of NSU study circle 6: Nordic Environmental Ethics
28 July – 4 August 2022
Rønningen folkehøgskole, Oslo, Norway
The NSU Nordic Environmental Ethics study circle is excited to announce its fourth symposium that will convene in-person in Oslo, Norway, from 28 July to 4 August. The symposium is part of Nordic Summer University’s week-long summer sessions, so all participants are also able to attend other study circles’ sessions, and there will be joint special sessions and social gatherings during the week.
We welcome abstract submissions and presentations on any topic in environmental ethics by Nordic and Baltic researchers or in the Nordic and Baltic context. Also, special attention will be given to abstracts pertaining to the general theme of the symposium: ethics of sustainability.
In addition to conference sessions, the programme will include a sustainability in academia workshop, discussion on the future of Nordic Environmental Ethics Network, social gatherings, and a casual ‘Hyde Park session’ style get-together where you can pitch your research project for others in three minutes with the aim to support the networking of people who share similar research interests. The overall purpose of the Nordic Environmental Ethics NSU study circle is to bring together scholars and people interested in environmental ethics and sustainability in the Nordic-Baltic context. Additionally, participants can join the sessions of other NSU study circles. We also welcome student participants, who can get study credits for participating, as the week also serves as a summer school.
Please submit your abstract (300-500 words) for paper sessions via email to Teea Kortetmäki teea.t.kortetmaki[at] by May 29, 2022. Decisions will be announced by June 1, 2022. If you would like to attend the symposium without presenting a paper (e.g., as a summer school), please email a short Bio. A certificate of participation can be given in both cases for travel allowance eligibility purposes.
You can expect the participation fee to be around 550€, and it will cover accommodation (in a double room) and all meals in Rønningen folkehøgskole for the whole week of NSU Summer Sessions 2022. Participants with accepted papers can apply for small scholarships/grants for travel support, provided by NSU for up to three participants. Please indicate your interest and need for a scholarship in the email you send!
For updates on programme and other information, see:
For inquiries about the Nordic Environmental Ethics symposium, e-mail teea.t.kortetmaki[at]
For general information on the summer sessions, see:
Tervetuloa! Välkommen! Velkommen! Velkominn! Buresboahtin! Pyereest puáttim! Tiõrv pueʹttem! Welcome!