Winter Session Program for Study Circle 8: Futures of education, cultural diversity, imaginations and collective transformations in time of the Anthropocene

Please click here for a PDF version of the programme.
Dates | 26-28 March, 2021
Place | Online Symposium
Theme | Education and Nature as the Other in the Anthropocene
26 March 2021 Friday
17:00-17:30 Opening and introduction of the Winter Session, SC8, NSU.
17:30-18:30 Key Note Jesper Garsdal, Social sculpture, the Anthropocene and global philosophy of edification, Denmark
18:30-19:30 Karen Bjerg Petersen, Rethinking Relationships through Education? Reflections on Place-based Education and Wild Pedagogies, Denmark
19:30-20:30 Tatjana Rosić-Ilić, Dark-Pedagogy and Fairy Tale, Serbia
27 March 2021 Saturday
10:00-10:10 Opening and introduction, Saturday. SC8, NSU, Winter Session
10:10-11:10 Key Note Mogens Chrom Jacobsen, Human Morality and the other Animals, Denmark
11:10-12:10 Hanne Riese and Line Hilt, Divergent Inclusion, Inclusion from Below. On the Role of Education in Becoming, Norway
12:10-13:00 Dragana Zarevska and Martin Kolarik, La Contextressa, Czech Republic
14:30-16:00 Special Afternoon Session. Open for all NSU groups
Key Note Speaker Eva D. Bahovec, From the Great Chain of Being to Education for the New Anthropocene, Slovenia
17:00-17:10 Opening and introduction to the second part of the program
17:10-18:10 Honorary lecture Bill Thompson, Education and Nature as the Other in the Anthropocene, United Kingdom
18:10-19:10 Magdalena Tabernacka, Ecology and Identity on the Way to the Realization of the Human Right to the Landscape and its Symbolic Value, Poland
19:10-20:10 Iskra Tasevska Hadji Boskova, Reading Nature’s Otherness in the Process of Teaching Literature, Macedonia
28 March 2021 Sunday
10:00-10:10 Opening and introduction, Sunday. SC8, NSU, Winter Session
10:10-11:10 Key Note Michael Paulsen, The Zoelogical School – a Radical Educational Response to the Anthropocene, Denmark
11:10-12:10 Jyrki Pöysä, Human Nature after the Collapse of Society – a Look at the Zombie Movies, Finland
12:10-13:10 Carsten Friberg, Eccentric and Anthropocene, Denmark
13:10-14:10 Agnieszka Sobieska The Influence of Environmental and Climatic Factors on the Dress of Muslim Women, Poland
16:00-16:10 Opening and introduction to the second part of the program
16:10-17:10 Torben Albertsen, Education and Nature as the Other in the Anthropocene,
17:10-18:10 Bogumila Myers, ‘Rus in urbe’ in XXI century, United Kingdom
18:10-19:10 Frosina Markovska, The Other/Nature in the Anthropocene, the Symbolic Order and Social Contract, Macedonia
19:10-19:30 Closing of the SC8 Winter Session, NSU
- Jasna Koteska, Ph.D., Full Professor in Humanities University Ss. Cyril and Methodius, Skopje, Macedonia (
- Oddbjørn Jensen, High School Teacher, Hammerfest Videregående Skole, Norway (
- Kristian Guttesen, PhD Student, University of Birmingham, UK (
The Nordic Summer University (NSU) is a Nordic network for research and interdisciplinary studies.
NSU is a nomadic, academic institution, which organizes workshop-seminars across disciplinary and national borders. Since it was established in 1950, Nordic Summer University has organized forums for cultural and intellectual debate in the Nordic and Baltic region, involving students, academics, politicians, and intellectuals from this region and beyond.
Decisions about the content and the organizational form of the NSU lay with its participants. The backbone of the activities in the NSU consists of its thematic study circles. In the study circles researchers, students, and professionals from different backgrounds collaborate in scholarly investigations distributed regularly in summer and winter symposia for three years.
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