Winter Symposia & Ad Hoc accounting procedure

Winter Symposia & Ad Hoc accounting procedure

Last update by Nicole, 06-05-2024

Below, you can find the new instructions for accounting for winter symposiums and ad hoc symposiums. The instructions are quite detailed, but if there are problems or unclarities not covered in them, please write to the treasurer (in 2022: Lara Hoffmann (lara.hoffmann@ The reason this detailed system is in place, is to live up to the demands of the auditors, as well as easing the workload of the treasurer (saving time and money). The instructions are the same for both study circles and ad hoc symposia.

Deadlines & what to send to whom

The deadline for finishing the WS accounting report is 15th of May. Please submit the Zoho Expense report & the finished Excel sheet to the NSU Treasurer. The NSU Treasurer will then approve the reporting.

Funding from NSU

Please be aware that in 2022 the amount provided by NSU for your WS depends on whether you are part of the Nordplus application (5000 euro), an ad hoc circle (2500 euro) or not receive funding from NSU (exception for circle 4). If you make less costs (or are not able to provide invoices/receipts for these costs), this money needs to be paid back to NSU.

Exchange rates

In the income side of the Accounting report overview, which is done in the attached excel template, you will need to calculate manually in order to list the expenses in euro. Everyone has to use the same exchange rates, as listed below. They are not in the guidelines, as they will change yearly. They are the taken from the Swedish National Bank, the annual average exchange rates (aggregate) of January of the year. If you have been handling income in another currency than the ones listed below, please contact the NSU Treasurer.

Rates for 2024 [date January 2024 from Swedish National Bank]

 Currencies in relation to euro    



Rates for 2023 [date January 2023 from Swedish National Bank] – these rates are already entered into Zoho, so there it is calculated automatically for you.

 Currencies in relation to euro    

Getting a Zoho Account

There is one account for circles. Please contact the treasurer for login information. In the Zoho Expense system, you are asked to create one report for your WS (please name it WS 2022 circle [X]). You put all your expenses, including scanned receipts in your own report. Please indicate (if you are a Nordplus circle) whether the expense is for Nordic/Baltic participants, coordinators, keynotes or other.

Attached instructions

Hopefully you will find them easy to follow.

NSU Instructions for the accounting report WS & Ad Hoc [pdf] (a little outdated!)

Budget template 2022 [excel file]

Financial Report Winter Symposium / Ad Hoc Symposium template [excel file]

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