Keynote Silvia Frederici now online

Keynote Silvia Frederici now online

During the October Session 2021, many were present to listen to the keynote by Prof. Silvia Frederici. But for those who missed it, the full keynote can now be viewed online:

Keynote Lecture: “Patriarchal Capitalism and Violence Against Women”
15 October 2021
Nordic Summer University

Silvia Federici is an Italian and American scholar, teacher, and activist from the radical autonomist feminist Marxist and anarchist tradition.

The keynote was invited by circle 4 on ‘Narrative and Violence’, which investigates narrativisations of violence within social, political, cultural, and scientific discourses. In so doing, they aim to foster a trans-disciplinary dialogue among scholars, journalists, writers, activists and other practitioners interested in identifying and scrutinising the potential implications of representational violence on our lives and our planet’s future.

Their next winter symposium will take place from 3-4 February 2022 at ICI Berlin, the call for papers is now out: Violence, Care, Cure (Self)perceptions Within the Medical Encounter

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